Summer is here. At last.

We’ve waited for so long for winter to be over so we can finally go outside and enjoy the warmth and sunshine. Except, now  it’s too hot. The temperatures have reached triple digits and it’s not even July yet. My weather app is sending excessive temperature warnings third day in a row. 1300 people died during celebrations of Hajj due to outrageous 125 degrees of Fahrenheit in Mekkah. 

Quite honestly I am disappointed with this whole global warming thing.

It doesn’t seem like anyone is alarmed with this situation. People say- 

"oh man, it’s really hot”. 

No shit! It’s the hottest it has ever been and it’s only a beginning!

Are we all just going to become complacent and accept this “new reality”?

Heavily rely on AC and hope for no power outages?

But what about people who don’t have anywhere to go to shelter from the heat? Or the animals?

Are we just going to say that we are grateful for what we have and call it good?

Or wait for the ice age to roll in and fix this problem that technically we didn’t create and it’s not our fault that a century ago our ancestors started an industrial revolution?

Sure, that’s one narrative to have.

But how about we actually try to reduce our carbon impact by: 

Not buying water in plastic bottles?

Or driving less? 

Or by not wasting food?

I can think of couple more ways to make a difference without sacrificing much of our current lifestyles.

Who is with me on this?