what i do

Running is probably my second biggest passion- photography being the first. I came to Utah to snowboard, but what does one do in the summer? I quickly figured it out- one goes trail running! The beauty and accessibility of Wasatch trails is unbelievable! Having moved here from a crowded city nearly 20 years ago, I didn’t even dream of what I will encounter.

Immersed in this magical landscape, I kept running.

I want to share my love of running and the beauty of the mountains.

So if you are a race director, an avid trail runner or someone just getting started in this sport, feel free to reach out and let’s take some photos!

Make it stand out

There is so much beauty around us- why not document it all.

Tell your story.

I will take the photos.

my clients

  • RUFA- Running Up For Air

  • Women of The Wasatch

  • Wild Earth Market

  • Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment

  • Save Our Great Salt Lake

  • Nuzzles & Co

  • Craft Lake City

  • Food Fight